Longitude Sound BytesEp 11: Power of creative collaboration | Ozeal DeBastos – by Grayson Best (Listen)
Ozeal Debastos, founder of Pod Houston and Ozeal Media, Houston:
Hello, my name is Ozeal Debastos and I am the founder of Pod Houston, which is a Houston based podcasting community where we host educational events for podcasters of all stages.
And one of the things I discovered as a community leader is the power of creative collaboration. I have had many moments of creativity simply by bringing people together and creating a space where they can share their own insights and perspectives.
Everything from having mastermind sessions on new creative ways to market your podcast to learning how I could provide stronger platforms for our members.
Creativity challenges me to think differently on how I can serve better and be a better leader. When I am in tuned with my creativity I am able to see problems quicker, understand it and have the courage to try something new.
I am finding that community is where the creative spark happens, which is why I believe in the power of one.
Thank you for listening.
Grayson Best, Longitude fellow, University of Texas, Austin:
Ozeal brings up a good point on community sparking creativity. Creativity is best stimulated by a collection of thoughts, and what better way to accomplish that than a group of differing perspectives? We can often be our own worst enemies in problem solving or introspection due to our innate biases; and being able to appreciate and reflect on the thoughts of others allows for a cooperation that would benefit society and promote sympathetic understanding.
In a way, this process is a reflection of general education. In today’s society, most of the things we learn are from the works of other people. We become more intelligent as a society by interacting with others and sharing ideas for others to ponder and internalize, thus progressing personal and societal growth.
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